“What is clear, however, is that when it is launched by the political apparatus, the attack on artistic experimentation is specifically reactionary: aesthetic judgment would only be required to decide whether such or such work is in conformity with the established rules of the beautiful.” (Lyotard, 41)
I decided to use this quote from Lyotard’s “What is Postmodernism?” In my blog post because I felt that it is quite relevant to the society we live in today. As you can see my trend is picking quotes that I feel we can all relate to, or like in my last post a quote that I can connect with on a deeply personal level. Most criticism, unless it is positive criticism, is purely reactionary. I feel that most reactions in this sense, whether it’s to art, clothing, film, or whatever aren’t even made on a personal level. What I mean is we all have these prefabricated concepts drilled into our brains from the moment we are born. It might take a few years for our brains to develop enough to retain these concepts, but they are always there. These concepts come from commercials, magazines, Tv shows, movies, our parents, our grandparents, and our great grandparents. None of us came up with these concepts ourselves. So, whatever reaction we put out or receive isn’t really personal at all, since the reaction itself is just the result of the comparison that person made to those prefabricated concepts. Next time someone reacts in a way you don’t like to something you did, say, or wear, remember to try and not take it personally we were all programmed this way. Also, your reaction to their reaction is primarily based on these prefabricated concepts I was talking about. Some possible ways to combat these reactions are to either limit your own reactions before you are about to react think about whatever ‘it’ is for a second, and just sit with your thoughts. Or you can let go and disconnect yourself from whatever ‘it’ is, whether ‘it’ is a pair of shoes, a drawing, or an idea, you are not whatever that ‘it’ is. You are a human being born into a complicated world. Sticks and stones may break bones, but words should never hurt you.
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