JReeves, Althusser

 "Ideology represents the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence." p.44

I wanted to use this quote from Althussers chapter because I feel like those who identify with a particular ideology to an extreme degree have a delusional outlook and perspective on reality. I believe this is only true for those who rely on a given ideology like religion or political affiliation to make their decisions. Obviously, I don't think it's bad to identify with an ideology, but allowing that ideology to make decisions and judgments that influence one's life is irrational in my opinion. Like someone who is super religious and might be hateful towards specific groups, those are the examples I'm talking about. They are allowing a non-sentient theoretical concept to rule their lives, another name for this is blind faith which is something I have trouble getting on board with. In some circumstances, it may be necessary, but blind faith can be dangerous. Like many religions today they ask you for your absolute and blind faith in a god that you've probably never seen, spoken to, or found evidence of. This sounds very similar to a cult, or a tax haven. If the word of god is free why do you ask for money for every sermon? I don't hate churches or religion, I feel like they are important, and without religion, there would be a lot of people living much darker lives than they are with Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. Churches have helped a lot of people over the many centuries, in which they controlled the ideas of the masses and who is allowed to rule. They've also claimed their own will and wanted to be the word of god for centuries, I don't understand how people are still buying this stuff, especially when it's free! They decide to donate anyway. It's like those chain emails we all used to receive, "Send this to five people, or you'll have bad luck for five years!" The only difference is the phrasing, "Donate to the church, so you have a better chance of going to heaven!" Again, I'm just being cynical and an ass, but the church deserves some shots after centuries of being the aggressor.  I don't know what this rant really was, but I hope you enjoyed it.


  1. Sarah Hussey
    Critical Frameworks Comment Blog on 11/4

    Dear JReeves,

    Wow! I really enjoyed your take on Althusser and I honestly agree in so many ways. However, in this comment response I am going to attempt to play ‘devil’s advocate’. Firstly, you mentioned the concept of ideology. Everything and everyone has an ideology; it is a reality we cannot escape. No matter what we do there will always be an ideology. It's a framework of surviving and living in this world. But is there such a world where this doesn’t evist? And wouldn’t being against this be against the notion of our own concept of living. Just a thought to think about. You compared it to blind faith, an analysis on how religion often rules lives.

    I particularly lke when said “many religions today ask you for your absolute and blind faith in a god that you’ve probably never seen, spoken to, or found evidence of. This sounds very similar to a cult, or a tax heaven. If the word of god is free why do you ask for money for every sermon?” – Jreeves

    I strongly agree with this sentiment! I think that the ideology which is universally agreed upon is the power and privilege of having money. Money is the very catalyst that drives our world forward and backward; it is the root of almost all our issues. Even with ideology, we crave money.

    Moreover, I also like how you phrased your sentences describing this phenomenon:

    “Send this to five people, or you’ll have bad luck for five years!” and “Donate to the church, so you have a better chance of going to heaven” ?” – Jreeves

    Both statements have the same goal—to get you to give them money. However, they do it in different approaches. I think we all live in an ideology however, the perspective we have on it I believe is completely subjective to the individual thus controlling how people move forward in their lives.

    Anyways, awesome blog! I was really interested on how you constructed your thoughts and opinions!

    Signing off,


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