Hello Blog
Wow. Last blog ever on here :((.
What better way to wrap my blog posts of CMC 300 up than Appadurai.
The section in this reading about the Philippines as it relates to the imagination as a social practice is so fascinating. I know I spoke on it a bit in class, but I was watching this mini documentary about these missionaries from the US going over to the Philippines. The missionaries were told to tell the citizens of the Philippines that God would love them more and they would go to heaven if they gave their money to the church instead of buying food. Since the people of the Philippines wanted so badly to live in the imagined world of what America is, they gladly gave their money.
On the topic of Americanization, I feel that Japan has become very Americanized in the last few decades as well. I saw this Tik Tok a few days ago about the difference in traditional Japanese language as opposed to modern Japanese language. Many of the modern Japanese terms were just American English words or slang with a Japanese accent.
In a way, these both represent the idea of “nostalgia without memory” (512). In these examples, these two countries both have had Americanization thrust upon them (basically just modern-day imperialism) but they want so badly to become like America. They still see the illusion of the “American Dream” and have tried to recreate the real America based on a false image.
I don’t really know if that made sense, but that is all I have for now!
Signing off, for the last time,
P.S. - I had a fun semester with everyone!
And we had a great intellectual fun time with you, Aveyourfave!