Colin's Cultural Contemplation Dorfman & Mattelart

Hey blog, let's contemplate some culture

Capitalism and globalism have created shared common cultures that anyone can connect with around the world. I feel that the purpose of this is that they are able to maximize profits if anyone anywhere can relate to it. Disney is a perfect example of creating a unique yet easily accessible culture that anyone anywhere could relate to. 

"Disney has been exalted as the inviolable common cultural heritage of contemporary man; . . . Disney is the great supranational bridge across which all human beings may communicate with each other."  110

People around the world are able to recognize Disney and Micky Mouse with ease and understand what to expect from Disney products. Someone from China and someone from the US could visit Disney world and have the exact same experience despite coming from very different backgrounds. Disney is able to create the most neutral yet exciting experience known to man, that someone from anywhere can relate to. 

Capitalistic growth I argue is the main concern of Disney. Almost every fantasy media you can think of is controlled by them. By owning all these mediums it creates a never ending cycle of circular fashions keeping fans hooked on their content. 

"Fiction reinforces in a circular fashion . . ." 114

Fiction reinforces in a circular fashion because it is a part of the never ending loop of capitalism. Disney allows the product and media loop to constantly allow consumers back into their market. The fiction of Disney creates a never ending loop that makes visitor always wanting to come back each year to experience the magic. The parks are set up to be impossible to fully complete in one trip, thus it keeps visitors coming back for more. In addition, you cannot experience the "Disney magic" anywhere else but Disney, once you have a taste for this fantasy forces you back. 
