Saffron, Habermas Pre

   Reading: Habermas “Modernity: An Incomplete Project”

The subject of this reading by Habermas is the discussion of modernity versus postmodernity. The two terms differ in their views of ideology and the current state of our culture. Modernity promotes an ideology of the abstract views of life whereas postmodernity supports an ideology of a set of beliefs and views that guide people. Habermas is the first of our writers to discuss the benefits and consequences of believing in modernity or postmodernity. Each promotes its own view of culture and the place of people, but Habermas states that the way culture and society generally act is in support of postmodernism. Those who support postmodernism engage in conversations about capitalism, the economy, and the large culture of novelty. Specifically, he quotes "the cult of the new" to describe a cultural shift towards postmodernism in the form of consumption of the people.
