Saffron, Poster Pre

   Reading: Poster "Postmodern Virtualities"

After a brief diversion from the conversation of postmodernity in culture, we returned to this discussion with Poster. The primary muse of Poster's conversation about postmodernism is the discussion about the significant condition of technology in our society. This idea comes from the general postmodern view that technology is a positive move towards betterment of people and culture. Technology is seen as a tool for furthering what people are capable of, an ideal according to postmodernism, but Poster takes the opportunity to discuss the negative side effects of technology reliance. He states that "virtual reality better than real" which is a point to the state of culture. Poster uses this quote to identify that many people believe, either consciously or unconsciously, that the virtual reality that is available to their fingertips is better than their actual lives. I would like to add to this argument by stating that social media is another tool people use to create a virtual life that is better than their real lives. According to social media, you can have a large group of friends, the perfect relationship, and a fun life-style, when the reality is that your life is not so positive. This is an argument against the need that people have to create a perfect virtual reality, or social media presence, by Poster stating that postmodernism promotes these lies.
