Sarah H, Eco & Dorfman

Dear Blog, 

Last Thursday’s class was conducted virtually where we discussed Eco and Dorfman on the Disneyfication of reality. One of the concepts we pondered was generated by the following quote:

“Disneyland tells us that technology can give us more reality than nature can” (Eco, 203)

The quote above implies that Disneyland is a reflection of reality which we feel is closer to what we accept as the truth than the actual truth. One of the selling points behind Disney is that it is a whole other world, however, to make a place seem like a world it has to feel like some sort of version of a reality we already live in. Therefore, with the example of Animal Kingdom, Disney makes it seem like we are really out in nature surrounded by these animals. I personally have no been to Disneyland however from classmates I have learned that the animals are in cages however the walls separating us from them are transparent therefore it gives the impression that we are in the enclosure with them. 

Moreover, besides the actual content at Disneyland the way that people conduct themselves and act I would describe as very dystopian. The following quote states:

“Disneyland is also a place of total passivity. Its visitors must agree to behave like robots” (Eco)

This quote expresses the notion that with theme parks such as Disney we are paying an absurd amount of money to do the same activities and conduct ourselves in almost identical manners when having these experiences. It is interesting to see how much happiness these sorts of theme parks bring us when more than half the time we are waiting in line to go on a ride. Also, with Disneyland and other theme parks security is a necessity, however, not solely for the reason of protecting the community from danger. With security, you are not allowed to bring any sort of water or food with you as well. Therefore, further pushing the idea that you must purchase in the park. 

Ultimately, the Disneyfication of reality has left me pondering to what extent theme parks such as Disneyland imitate the world we live in today. How does this affect our perception of reality?

Signing off, 

